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We're proud of the content we're producing here at St. Greg's. Genuine witness and explanation of faith written from the heart from people in this community. Check them out below!

Vulnerable Members of Society
Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew that, “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”[1]...

Welcome back to Lent! What a great season to draw closer to the Lord. Let's talk about it. These forty days are an opportunity to offer...

World Youth Day Recap - Katie's Journey
Hi everyone! This is Katie again to reflect on my WYD experience in Lisbon. I am happy to share about the beautiful time I had in worship...

World Youth Day Lisbon - From Our Pilgrim!
Hey everyone! This is Katie Furtney, summer intern and young Adult Core member. Tomorrow I leave for Lisbon, Portugal to attend World...

Trusting God with Your Life
Life is an epic journey. It is a gift given to us by God. Just like every journey we see in books or movies, there are joys, suffering,...

The Boat: A Reflection
You are travelling in a boat, The boat of human reason, history, facts, figures, and hypotheses. But it is also the boat of...

Holy Week
We should always give thanks to God for everything He’s done for us during Holy Week. He didn’t have to come down to earth to die for us in

Grow closer to God this Lent
How often do we just let all the anxiety of everyday problems get in the way of being with God? Let’s change this Lent. Let’s be more opened

The Discipline Series: Exodus
I've been working over the past several years on my self-discipline. I heard a talk years ago at one of the Franciscan U. conferences...

How should Christians handle grief?
He didn’t suffer so we wouldn’t have to, He suffered so we would know how to. – Chris Stefanick Turning the calendar from October to...
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