
Hi! This is John Nemmer again. I would like to talk with you about Advent. Now, Advent is celebrated for the 4 weeks before Christmas. During Advent, we prepare for both the first and second coming of Christ. When Jesus first came, He was a little newborn baby in a humble manger. However, when He finally returns to judge the living and the dead at the end of time, He will come as a King in glory, who will call everyone to Himself and we will adore Him.
During Advent, we always should do something every day to prepare our hearts for both the first, and the second coming of our Lord. We should never get ourselves so carried away over all the shopping, decorating, and the planning for Christmas that we forget what this season is truly about. Doing something daily will make our relationship with God stronger so we will be ready when He comes again.
When Jesus finally returns, it will definitely be the greatest day of our life. However, will it be a scary experience for us? Well if we truly believe in His real presence in the Eucharist, there won’t be anything to worry about on the last day. God is love and mercy itself. He never changes. So the same Jesus who came willing out of love to die for our sins is returning. If we are faithful to Him by totally having trust in His great mercy, then we won’t have any reason to fear. We just need to be sure we are prepared for that most joyful day. This holy season of Advent, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us to prepare for both Christmas and the second coming of the Son of God.
May the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, the help of the Holy Spirit, and the glory of God the Father be with you all! Amen. Merry Christmas! John Nemmer

John is a regular writer for SGYM3 and shares insights and prayer language from the heart. He is a parishioner at St. Greg's and you can find John faithfully at Mass every week with his loving family. Feel free to say "hi" when you see him!