St. Patrick's Day

Hi! This is John Nemmer again. I would like to talk with you about St. Patrick, his Feast day is on March 17th and he was born in 387, died in 461, and is the patron saint of Ireland. Now, St. Patrick is one of the most well-known Saints on Earth and was born in Roman Britain.
When he was about 14, he was kidnapped by Irish pirates and was forced to go to Ireland to become a slave there. At that time, Ireland wasn’t very Christian but St. Patrick still trusted in God’s Will and His plan for him. When St. Patrick turned 20, God spoke to him in a dream to leave Ireland by going to the coast. There he met with some sailors who took him back home to be with his family again.
St. Patrick always used the shamrock to best explain the mystery of The Holy Trinity with others. Many people decided to become Christian after hearing the message of the saint. St. Patrick converted all of Ireland to Catholicism in 40 years. God allowed him to work many miracles at that time. After living a holy life with true faith, he died on March 17th, 461.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! May the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, the help of the Holy Spirit, and the glory of God the Father be with you all! Amen. St. Patrick pray for us! John Nemmer

John is a regular writer for SGYM3 and shares insights and prayer language from the heart. He is a parishioner at St. Greg's and you can find John faithfully at Mass every week with his loving family. Feel free to say "hi" when you see him!