Get Brave

This past weekend would have been our third Brave retreat with the young adults. As the canceled weekend came and went, I think the theme of that retreat is more relevant than ever. I want to take a few moments to reflect on where we find ourselves, especially as we stare another round of lockdowns.
It can be scary out there. Uncertainty and hurt feelings left over in the political environment, the return to lock-down before Thanksgiving, the anxiety of wether or not your job will furlough you, and the ever present drumbeat of Covid contamination (among a litany of other fears) can wreak havoc on your emotional and spiritual health....
Fear not however! The message of the Lord is this, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus," Philippians 4:6-7.
In our first Brave retreat, we talked about being brave in a world of darkness. It can be hard to live life, especially a life of faithfulness. At Brave II, we broke open the story of Peter being called out of the boat and into the storm, to trust Jesus and call for help when we fall (Matthew 14:22-33). We know the Lord will be there with a hand but it is important to know to keep our eyes on Him, even when it seems impossible.
Be brave. Trust the Lord. Do not be anxious.
We're always called back to relationship with Jesus. Use this time to do so. Even as churches return to live-streaming, your prayer life can flourish. Open scripture. Break out your rosary. Join the live-streamed Mass. Zoom with faithful groups. This whole era is a call back to prayer. Hear it. Respond. We'll be back for Brave III when we can. When we do, we're going to celebrate and give some praise. Until then... Be brave. Trust the Lord. Do not be anxious.

Adam Jarosz is the Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry at St. Gregory the Great. His vocation involves loving his wife Ani and two (and one on the way) babies, Isabella and Wyatt.
He also enjoys being active outdoors, getting gym time in, and writing. Yes.. tacos too.
Questions? Shoot him a message