Young Adults
Student - Professional - Discerner - Vocations
The Spectrum
The young adult age from 18-30something is a broad spectrum. Students from undergrad to graduate school. Vocation discernment from single, to religious, to married. From those who have everything figured out to those who are still searching. You are part of the spectrum. Welcome home to St. Greg's.
We are here to help you grow in your Catholic faith and community. SGYM - Young Adult Ministry, is our next stage of growth. Some of our offerings are age/place-of-life specific, others are for all. Check out what we offer and plug in. Know you are in our prayers.
- Adam Jarosz
Our Flagship young adult event for everyone in the spectrum. Runs every other Tuesday 7-9pm in the Ministry Center.
Driving for Young Adult community that's easy enough to invite a friend to, deep enough to grow.
Beloved is our YA women's group geared toward the feminine heart.
Forged is for the YA man. They meet on the 3rd Monday's of each month.
Come feed the gendered soul with faithful conversation and fellowship
Potluck & Prayer
A fresh community designed for those in their 20's. This group is designed to help grow in your faith, around a meal, sharing the turbulent and joyful growth through this age. Bring something to share for the meal and be ready to share what's going on in your life.
Elevate Anchor Groups 2.0
We're going further, faster with Elevate Anchor Groups – a seasonal small-group model with faithful and fun challenges for your group to achieve together outside of Elevate. These Anchor Groups give you the chance to break outside of your comfort zone, and intentionally ground each other in prayer and fellowship.
The aim is to get out and off property. Each group is designed with your season of life in mind and will be matched with others in a similar place.
Be Brave. Live out as a disciple. Be an Anchor.
Anchor Groups are now active for the first month!
Why Anchor Groups?
• Send Adam an email with season-of-life. Be assigned a group of 4-6 (lasts one ministry season)
• Get monthly emails with challenges
• Set up a time with the group to meet, whenever or wherever, to meet the challenge
How it works.
• Level up your faith with challenges
• Grow outside of your comfort zone, get to know someone new
• Be a bold disciple and get out and around town
Follow us on Instagram for news & updates with the following community offerings and events ! @stgregsyoungadult
Coffee Talk
Check out the homegrown podcast with SGYM3 – Coffee Talk! Conversations with people from the community to talk about faithful topics that can cover anything. Maybe you'll want to come on and talk about something too.
Grab a cup of coffee and take us on the go. Subscribe and share!
Take a look at a couple of the most recent episodes and enjoy!
- Adam Jarosz